BIM7AA Type Coding
in older versions can be found under Download

BIM7AA Type Coding PDF v. 3.2
BIM7AA Type Coding EXCEL v. 3.2

BIM7AA Type Coding EXCEL v. 3.1

BIM7AA Type Coding v. 3.0 (Only in Danish version)

BIM7AA Type Coding PDF v. 2.1
BIM7AA Type Coding EXCEL v. 2.1

BIM7AA Typekodning v. 2.0 (Only in Danish version)

Newest version
Newest version

Additional publications
BIMTypeCode / BIM7AA - BIM Detailing and Responsibility (BDR)
BIM7AA Parameters
Consistency Check of Building Models
Construction Element Specifications by DiKon, BIM7AA and Molio

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